#!/usr/bin/perl #f:/perl/bin/perl ############################################################ # BBS_FORUM.CGI # # This script was written by Gunther Birznieks # Date Created: 4-18-96 # # You may copy this under the terms of the GNU General Public # License or the Artistic License which is distributed with # copies of Perl v5.x for UNIX # # Purpose: To provide routines for all BBS Forum activities including # Posting, Replying, Reading Messages, Deleting old messages, Filtering # Messages, and Filtering HTML based on Authentication Scripts. # # Main Procedures: # &PrintPostOrReplyPage = Prints Post/Reply Data EntryScreen # &CreatePosting = Posts a Message # &ReadMessage = Reads a message # &PrintForumPage = Lists all the posts in a forum # # Inputs: # Form Variables: # forum = Forum name # setup = Setup file identifier. Default is "bbs". # session = Session code for authentication # post_op = is this a post # reply_op = is this a reply # create_message_op = is this a create message # read = message to read # # Form Variables for pruning List of Messages displayed: # first_date = First date in range to view messages # last_date = Last date in range to view messages # first_days_old = earliest number of days old to view msgs # last_days_old = latest number of days old to view msgs # keywords = keywords to search for # exact_match = "on" if the search is exact rather than pattern # match based # # use_last_read = "on" if $display_new_messages is on, # and we want to only see new messages since # our last read. This only works with # authentication activated. # # last_read = Last message read in the forum. # # Outputs: # Depending on the previous form variables, the output # will be a list of forum messages, posting screen, or # reading messages screen. # # SPECIAL NOTE: # # If you are interested in file attachments, you must # set that information in the following variables: # $allow_user_attachments, $maximum_attachment_size, # $attach_dir, $attach_url. These variables are set below. # ############################################################ $lib = "../libs"; # Read in core BBS variables require "./bbs.setup"; require "$lib/cgi-lib.pl"; $| = 1; # Used for troubleshooting print &PrintHeader; if ($allow_user_attachments eq "on") { $cgi_lib'maxdata = $maximum_attachment_size; $cgi_lib'writefiles = "$attach_dir"; } &ReadParse; # Allow override of bbs.setup variables if a setup # form variable has been invoked # $setup_file = $in{"setup"}; if ($setup_file ne "") { require "$setup_file.setup"; } require "$lib/auth-lib.pl"; # the following sets a default BBS script if one is not # defined. if ($bbs_script eq "") { $bbs_script = "bbs_forum.cgi"; } $forum=$in{"forum"}; ($forum_name, $forum_dir) = &GetForumInfo($forum); $session = $in{"session"}; $is_this_a_new_session = "yes" if ($session eq ""); ($session, $username, $group, $firstname, $lastname, $email) = &GetSessionInfo($session, "$bbs_script", *in); $reply_op = $in{"reply_op"}; $reply_op = "on" if ($in{"reply_op.x"} ne ""); $post_op = $in{"post_op"}; $post_op = "on" if ($in{"post_op.x"} ne ""); $create_message_op = $in{"create_message_op"}; $read = $in{"read"}; # $first_date and $last_date allow date parameters to be specified for # looking at messages along with a keyword search of messages and # exact match keyword searching on/off. # $first_date = $in{"first_date"}; $last_date = $in{"last_date"}; $keywords = $in{"keywords"}; $exact_match = $in{"exact_match"}; $first_days_old = $in{"first_days_old"}; $last_days_old = $in{"last_days_old"}; # # $create_msg_error will print out as part of the print_forum # listing if a problem occured while posting a message # $create_msg_error = ""; # Use_last_read tells us to use the last read value for the # user if authentication is turned on. # $use_last_read = $in{"use_last_read"}; # # last_read is the actual value of the last read # message # $last_read = $in{"last_read"}; # # The following is for posting/replying HTML generation # if (($reply_op ne "") || ($post_op ne "")) { &PrintPostOrReplyPage; } # # The following is for creating the posts # elsif ($create_message_op ne "") { &CreatePosting; } elsif ($read ne "") { &ReadMessage($read); } elsif ($forum ne "") { &PrintForumPage; } ############################################################ # # subroutine: ReadMessage # Usage: # &ReadMessage($message); # # Parameters: # $message = message filename to read # # Output: # Takes a message and outputs it as HTML # Dependant on the bbs_html_read_message.pl file ############################################################ sub ReadMessage { local($message) = @_; local($poster_firstname, $poster_lastname, $poster_email,$post_date_time, $post_subject, $post_options) = &GetMessageHeader("$forum_dir/$message"); open (MESSAGEFILE, "<$forum_dir/$message") || &CgiDie("Kann Nachricht nicht öffnen\n"); for (1 .. 6) { ; } # Throwaway header $post_message = ""; while () { $post_message .= $_; } close (MESSAGEFILE); if ($no_html_images eq "on") { $post_message =~ s/<(IMG\s*SRC.*)>/<$1>/ig; $post_subject =~ s/<(IMG\s*SRC.*)>/<$1>/ig; } # End of parsing out no images if ($no_html eq "on") { $post_message =~ s/<([^>]+)>/\<$1>/ig; $post_subject =~ s/<([^>]+)>/\<$1>/ig; } # End of No html $post_message =~ s/\n\r\n/

/g; $post_message =~ s/\n/
/g; opendir(FORUMDIR, "$forum_dir") || &CgiDie("Kann Forumverzeichnis \"$forum_dir directory\" nicht finden\n"); $message_number = substr($message,0,6); @files = sort(grep(/.......$message_number\.msg$/, readdir(FORUMDIR))); closedir(FORUMDIR); $message_url = &ReadMessageFields; $post_replies = ""; foreach (@files) { ($reply_firstname, $reply_lastname, $reply_email, $reply_date_time, $reply_subject, $reply_options) = &GetMessageHeader("$forum_dir/$_"); $post_replies .= qq!!; $post_replies .= " $reply_subject " . "(Modifiziert: $reply_date_time)
\n"; } $attach_file = substr($message,0,13) . ".attach"; $post_attach_html = ""; if (-e "$forum_dir/$attach_file") { open(ATTACHFILE, "<$forum_dir/$attach_file") || &CgiDie("Kann Datei $forum_dir/$attach_file nicht öffnen\n"); chop($attach_info = ); ($post_attachment, $post_attachment_filename) = split(/\|/, $attach_info); $post_attach_html = qq!
Dateianlage: ! . qq! $post_attachment_filename
!; close (ATTACHFILE); } require "./bbs_html_read_message.pl"; } # End of ReadMessage ############################################################ # # subroutine: PrintForumPage # Usage: # &PrintForumPage; # # Parameters: # None, but CGI Form Variables below affect # the list of information that comes up # first_date = Date To Start Reading Messages From # last_date = Date To Last Reading # keywords = Keywords To Search On # exact_match= Keyword Search Exact_match # first_days_old= Start Reading Messages From # This Days old # last_days_old =Finish Reading Messages From # This Days Old # # Output: # Prints the message list in a forum based on # last read for the user, date ranges, and keyword # search if the program is configured for that. # ############################################################ sub PrintForumPage { local($x); opendir(FORUMDIR, "$forum_dir") || &CgiDie("Kann Forumverzeichnis nicht öffnen\n"); @files = sort(grep(/.*msg$/,readdir(FORUMDIR))); closedir(FORUMDIR); $high_number = substr($files[@files - 1],0,6); $low_number = substr($files[0],0,6); # # Here we delete old messages based on the global variables if we # are starting a new session. # &PruneOldMessages($forum_dir, *files); # # If $last_read = something then we have read the forum before # # if this is a new session, we update the $last_read, if it is an # old session, we open the user file to get the last read to compare # against # if ($display_only_new_messages eq "on" && $last_read eq "" && $use_last_read eq "on") { $last_read = &GetUserLastRead($forum_dir, $username, $session, $high_number); } $last_read = 0 if ($last_read eq ""); # # Pruning the file list narrows down what displays to the # user. $last_read is the default parameter, # &PruneFileList(*files, $last_read, $first_date, $last_date, $first_days_old, $last_days_old, $keywords, $exact_match, $forum_dir); # if @files < 1 then we have no messages # otherwise we need to process them as a tree. $message_html = ""; @threads = (); while (@files > 0) { push(@threads,&MakeThreadList(*files)); } $ul_count = 0; $prev_level = -1; foreach $x (@threads) { ($level,$messagefile, $thread_date) = split(/\|/,$x); if ($level > $prev_level && $level > $display_thread_depth) { $level = $prev_level; } if ($level > $prev_level) { $ul_count++; $message_html .= "

\n"; } } if ($level == $prev_level) { if ($use_list_element ne "on" || $level == 1) { $message_html .= "
"; } $message_html .= "\n"; } if ($level > 1 && $use_list_element eq "on") { $message_html .= "
  • "; } ($poster_firstname, $poster_lastname, $poster_email, $post_date, $post_subject, $post_options) = &GetMessageHeader("$forum_dir/$messagefile"); $message_url = &ReadMessageFields; $message_html .= qq!\n!; $message_html .= " $post_subject ($post_date)"; if ($level == 1 && $thread_date ne $post_date) { $message_html .= " (Thread modifiziert: $thread_date)"; } $message_html .= ""; $prev_level = $level; } # End of foreach thread $message_html .= "\n"; for (1..$ul_count) { $message_html .= "\n"; } require "./bbs_html_forum.pl"; } # end of PrintForumPage ############################################################ # # subroutine: PrintPostOrReplyPage # Usage: # &PrintPostOrReplyPage; # # Parameters: # None, but CGI Form Variables below affect # the form that comes up if the action that # is being taken is a reply to a message instead # of a fresh post. # reply_to_message = Message # We are replying to # email_reply = email to notify that a reply has # occured # post_subject = Subject of message we are # replying to. # # Output: # HTML Output for the Create Post (or Reply) Page # ############################################################ sub PrintPostOrReplyPage { local($options, $previous_message); local($reply_to_message, $email_reply); local($title, $header); local($email_tag, $reply_to_email); $previous_message = ""; $reply_to_message = ""; $email_reply = ""; $title = "Neuen Beitrag schreiben"; $header = "Neuen Beitrag für die Rubrik \"$forum_name\" schreiben"; if ($reply_op ne "") { $reply_to_message = $in{"reply_to_message"}; $email_reply = $in{"email_reply"}; $title = "Nachricht beantworten"; $header = "Eine Nachricht in der Rubrik \"$forum_name\" beantworten"; $post_message = ""; open (REPLYFILE, "<$forum_dir/$reply_to_message") || &CgiDie("Kann Antwortdatei nicht öffnen"); chop($post_first_name = ); chop($post_last_name = ); ; chop($post_date = ); ; chop($options = ); if ($options =~ /^options:/) { $options = substr($options,8); ($email_tag,$reply_to_email) = split(/:/,$options); } while () { $post_message .= $_; } $post_message =~ s/^/>/g; $post_message =~ s/\r//g; $post_message =~ s/\n/\n>/g; $post_message = "$post_first_name $post_last_name" . " schrieb am $post_date folgendes:\n\n" . $post_message; close (REPLYFILE); $post_subject = $in{"post_subject"}; $post_subject = "Re: $post_subject" if !($post_subject =~ /^Re:/i); } $post_date_time = &GetDateAndTime; $post_first_name_field = qq!!; $post_last_name_field = qq!!; $post_email_field = qq!!; if ($force_first_name eq "on" && $firstname ne "") { $post_first_name_field = qq!!; $post_first_name_field .= "$firstname"; } if ($force_last_name eq "on" && $lastname ne "") { $post_last_name_field = qq!!; $post_last_name_field .= "$lastname"; } if ($force_email eq "on" && $email ne "") { $post_email_field = qq!!; $post_email_field .= "$email"; } $post_want_email = ""; if ($allow_reply_email eq "on") { $post_want_email = "
    " . "Wollen Sie per E-Mail über Antworten" . " informiert werden?
    "; } $post_attachment = ""; if ($allow_user_attachments eq "on") { $post_attachment = "

    Datei anhängen:
    "; } require "./bbs_html_create_message.pl"; } # End of PostOrReply ############################################################ # # subroutine: CreatePosting # Usage: # &CreatePosting; # # Parameters: # None, but CGI Form Variables below affect # how the message is posted. # form_firstname = firstname of poster # form_lastname = lastname of poster # form_email = email of poster # form_subject = subject of the post # form_message = body of the post # reply_to_message = message we are replying to # reply_to_email = email address of user we are # replying to # post_want_email = "on" if we want email replies # post_attachment = file upload attachment # # Output: # Posts the message to a file and then prints the # list of forum messages. # ############################################################ sub CreatePosting { local ($create_error); $form_firstname = $in{"form_firstname"}; $form_lastname = $in{"form_lastname"}; $form_email = $in{"form_email"}; $form_subject = $in{"form_subject"}; $form_firstname =~ s/\n//g; $form_lastname =~ s/\n//g; $form_email =~ s/\n//g; $form_subject =~ s/\n//g; $form_message = $in{"form_message"}; $reply_to_message = $in{"reply_to_message"}; $reply_to_message =~ /(\d{6})/; $reply_to_message = $1 || "000000"; if ($reply_to_message < 1) { $reply_to_message = "000000"; } else { $reply_to_message = substr($reply_to_message,0,6); } $reply_to_email = $in{"reply_to_email"}; $post_date_time = &GetDateAndTime; $form_options = ""; $post_want_email = $in{"post_want_email"}; if ($post_want_email eq "on" || $force_reply_email eq "on") { $form_options = "email:$form_email"; } $create_error = 0; if ($require_subject eq "on" && $form_subject eq "") { $create_error = 1; $create_msg_error .= "Es wurde kein Betreff angegeben!"; } if ($require_first_name eq "on" && $form_firstname eq "") { $create_error = 1; $create_msg_error .= "Es wurde kein Vorname angegeben!"; } if ($require_last_name eq "on" && $form_lastname eq "") { $create_error = 1; $create_msg_error .= "Es wurde kein Nachname/Nickname angegeben!"; } if ($require_email eq "on" && $form_email eq "") { $create_error = 1; $create_msg_error .= "Es wurde keine Email-Adresse angegeben!"; } if ($create_error == 1) { $create_msg_error = "

    Fehler beim Verschicken der Nachricht. " . $create_msg_error; } if ($create_error != 1) { $whole_msg = ""; $whole_msg .= "$form_firstname\n"; $whole_msg .= "$form_lastname\n"; $whole_msg .= "$form_email\n"; $whole_msg .= "$post_date_time\n"; $whole_msg .= "$form_subject\n"; $whole_msg .= "options:$form_options\n"; $whole_msg .= "$form_message\n"; opendir(FORUMDIR, "$forum_dir") || &CgiDie("Kann Forum \"$forum_dir\" nicht öffnen"); @files = sort(grep(/.*msg$/,readdir(FORUMDIR))); closedir(FORUMDIR); $high_number = substr($files[@files - 1],0,6); @files = (); $high_number++; $high_number = sprintf("%6d",$high_number); $high_number =~ tr/ /0/; $high_number = "000001" if ($high_number eq "000000"); $message_name = "$high_number-$reply_to_message"; open(WRITEMSG, ">$forum_dir/$message_name.msg") || &CgiDie("Kann Datei $message_name.msg nicht zum Schreiben öffnen"); print WRITEMSG $whole_msg; close (WRITEMSG); $post_attachment = $in{"post_attachment"}; $post_attachment_filename = $incfn{"post_attachment"}; # # Parse out the %Hex symbols and make it into alphanumeric # $post_attachment_filename =~ s/%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge; $forum =~ /([\w]*)/; $forum = $1; if ($post_attachment_filename ne "") { rename($post_attachment, "$attach_dir/$forum-$message_name.bin"); open(WRITEATTACH, ">$forum_dir/$message_name.attach") || &CgiDie("Kann Dateianlage nicht öffnen\n"); print WRITEATTACH "$forum-$message_name.bin" . "|$post_attachment_filename\n"; close(WRITEATTACH); } else { unlink("$post_attachment"); } # # The following handles the email system # $reply_to_email = $in{"reply_to_email"}; if ($reply_to_email ne "" && $send_reply_email eq "on") { require "$lib/mail-lib.pl"; $reply_subject = "[Leipzig-Info.net] Antwort auf Deine Anzeige bei Leipzig-Info.net."; &send_mail($from_email, $reply_to_email, $reply_subject, "Hallo!\n\nDies ist eine automatische Nachricht vom Anzeigensystem bei www.Leipzig-Info.net.\nDu hast eine Antwort auf Deine Anzeige in der Rubrik $forum_name bekommen.\n\nHier der Antwort:\n-----------\n".$form_message."\n-----------\nDie Original-Antwort und die E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders kannst Du bei Leipzig-Info.net nachlesen. Diese E-Mail ist nur eine Information, bitte NICHT beantworten!"); } # End of reply_to_email } # end of if $create_error == 1 &PrintForumPage; } # End of CreatePosting ############################################################ # # subroutine: PruneFileList # Usage: # &PruneFileList(*files, $last_read, $first_date, # $last_date, $first_days_old, $last_days_old, # $keywords, $exact_match, $forum_dir); # # Parameters: # The non-filename related parameters are criteria # used to prune the file list down so that not all # the messages show up in the forum message list. # # *files = reference to a list of message filenames # in the forum for pruning. # $last_read = last read message number for the user # so that only new messages are read # $first_days_old= Start Reading Messages From # This Days old # $last_days_old =Finish Reading Messages From # This Days Old # $first_date = Date To Start Reading Messages From # $last_date = Date To Last Reading # $keywords = Keywords To Search On # $exact_match= Keyword Search Exact_match # # Output: # Prunes a list of messages that do not satisfy the # criteria being passed to the routine (Such as a # date range) from the *files reference to an array # of message filenames. # ############################################################ sub PruneFileList { local(*files, $last_read, $first_date, $last_date, $first_days_old, $last_days_old, $keywords, $exact_match, $forum_dir) = @_; local($x, $filename); local($month, $day, $year, $comp_date); local($file_date); @keyword_list = split(/\s+/,$keywords); for ($x = @files; $x > 0; $x--) { # # CASE 1: Prune becauase we've read this already # if ($last_read > 0 && substr($files[$x-1],0,6) <= $last_read && $display_only_new_messages eq "on") { &RemoveElement(*files,$x-1); next; } $filename = "$forum_dir/$files[$x - 1]"; # # CASE 2: Prune because it does not fit range of days old # if (($first_days_old ne "") && ((-M $filename) > $first_days_old)) { &RemoveElement(*files,$x-1); next; } if (($last_days_old ne "") && ((-M $filename) < $last_days_old)) { &RemoveElement(*files, $x-1); next; } # # CASE 3: Prune because it does not fit date range # # If we are comparing the files by date, we need to get # date statistics if ($first_date ne "" || $last_date ne "") { ($month, $day, $year) = split(/\//, $first_date); # We need to pad the month and day to be two digits for # date comparison $month = "0" . $month if (length($month) < 2); $day = "0" . $day if (length($day) < 2); # if the year was entered as two digits, we should convert it # to a 4 digit year. Years from 51-99 are taken to be 1951 and # 1999. Years from 00-50 are 2000 to 2050. if ($year > 50 && $year < 1900) { $year += 1900; } if ($year < 1900) { $year += 2000; } # We order the date in order of year, month, and day. This allows # us to use a normal numeric comparison between days to see which is # greater than another one. # # Since days make up months and months make up years, putting them # in this order works for normal >,< comparisons. # # eg 19960115 is numerically greater than 19951230. # $comp_first_date = $year . $month . $day; ($month, $day, $year) = split(/\//, $last_date); $month = "0" . $month if (length($month) < 2); $day = "0" . $day if (length($day) < 2); if ($year > 50 && $year < 1900) { $year += 1900; } if ($year < 1900) { $year += 2000; } $comp_last_date = $year . $month . $day; #$filedate = (-M $filename); $file_date = (stat($filename))[9]; ($day, $month, $year) = (localtime($file_date))[3,4,5]; $month++; $month = "0" . $month if (length($month) < 2); $day = "0" . $day if (length($day) < 2); if ($year > 50 && $year < 1900) { $year += 1900; } if ($year < 1900) { $year += 2000; } $file_date = $year . $month . $day; if ($first_date ne "") { if ($file_date < $comp_first_date) { &RemoveElement(*files, $x-1); next; } } # End of first date if ($last_date ne "") { if ($file_date > $comp_last_date) { &RemoveElement(*files, $x-1); next; } } # End of last date } # End of First or Last Date # # CASE 4: Prune because keywords not found in file # if ($keywords ne "") { @not_found_words = @keyword_list; open(SEARCHFILE, "<$filename"); while() { $line = $_; &FindKeywords($exact_match, $line, *not_found_words); } # End of SEARCHFILE close (SEARCHFILE); # If any keywords were not found prune the file if (@not_found_words > 0) { &RemoveElement(*files, $x - 1); next; } } # End of keywords } # End of for loop } # End of PruneFileList ############################################################ # # subroutine: FindKeywords # Usage: # &FindKeywords($exact_match, $line, # *not_found_words); # # Parameters: # $exact_match = 'on' if keyword search is exact match # $line = line to search # *not_found_words = array of words we have not # found yet. # # Output: # *not_found_words array gets elements deleted as the # keywords get found in the $line. # ############################################################ sub FindKeywords { local($exact_match, $line, *not_found_words) = @_; local($x, $match_word); if ($exact_match eq "on") { for ($x = @not_found_words; $x > 0; $x--) { # \b matches on word boundary $match_word = $not_found_words[$x - 1]; if ($line =~ /\b$match_word\b/i) { splice(@not_found_words,$x - 1, 1); } # End of If } # End of For Loop } else { for ($x = @not_found_words; $x > 0; $x--) { $match_word = $not_found_words[$x - 1]; if ($line =~ /$match_word/i) { splice(@not_found_words,$x - 1, 1); } # End of If } # End of For Loop } # End of ELSE } # End of FindKeywords ############################################################ # # subroutine: GetUserLastRead # Usage: # &GetUserLastRead($forum_dir, $username, $high_number); # # Parameters: # $forum_dir = directory path for the forum # $username = username dirived from authentications # $session = session id # $high_number = the highest message number # # Output: # Returns $last_read = last read message number. # $last_read is written over with the highest message # number IF the session id is different from the session # from the last_read # ############################################################ sub GetUserLastRead { local($forum_dir, $username, $session, $high_number) = @_; local($last_read, $old_session); unless (-e "$forum_dir/$username.dat") { $last_read = 0; } else { open (USERFILE, "<$forum_dir/$username.dat") || &CgiDie("Fehler beim Öffnen der Benutzerdatei $username\n"); $last_read = ; $old_session = ; chop ($last_read); chop($old_session); close (USERFILE); } if ($session ne $old_session) { open (USERFILE, ">$forum_dir/$username.dat") || &CgiDie("Fehler beim Öffnen der Benutzerdatei $username\n"); print USERFILE "$high_number\n"; print USERFILE "$session\n"; close (USERFILE); } $last_read; } #End of GetUserLastRead ############################################################ # # subroutine: GetDateAndTime # Usage: # &GetDateAndTime(; # # Parameters: # None. # # Output: # Returns a string of the current date and time. # ############################################################ sub GetDateAndTime { local ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon); local($year, $wday, $yday, $isdst); local ($ampm, $currentdatetime); ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time); $mon++; if (length($min) == 1) { $min = "0" . $min; } $year+=1900; "$mday.$mon.$year $hour:$min"; } # End of GetDateAndTime ############################################################ # # subroutine: GetMessageHeader # Usage: # &GetMessageHeader($filename); # # Parameters: # $filename = message filename to read header from # # Output: # Returns an array of the items in the message header. # # $poster_firstname = first name # $poster_lastnamne = last name # $poster_email = email address of poster # $post_date = date/time of the posting # $post_subject = subject of the post # $post_options = post options # ############################################################ sub GetMessageHeader { local($filename) = @_; local($poster_firstname, $poster_lastname, $poster_email, $post_date, $post_subject, $post_options); open (MESSAGEFILE, "<$filename") || &CgiDie("Kann nicht öffnen $filename hdr\n"); chop($poster_firstname = ); chop($poster_lastname = ); chop($poster_email = ); chop($post_date = ); chop($post_subject = ); chop($post_options = ); if ($post_options =~ /^options:/) { $post_options = substr($post_options,8); } close(MESSAGEFILE); $post_date=~s/\.100/\.2000/; ($poster_firstname, $poster_lastname, $poster_email, $post_date, $post_subject, $post_options); } # End of GetMessageHeader ############################################################ # # subroutine: MakeThreadList # Usage: # &MakeThreadList(*file_list); # # Parameters: # *file_list = array of message file names to make # a threaded, hierarchical message # listing out of. # # Output: # @threads = an array containing the threaded, # hierarchical message structure. # # ############################################################ sub MakeThreadList { local(*file_list) = @_; local(@threads,$seq_ptr); local($sequence,$previous); $seq_ptr = @file_list - 1; if ($seq_ptr > -1) { ($poster_firstname, $poster_lastname, $poster_email, $post_date, $post_subject, $post_options) = &GetMessageHeader("$forum_dir/@file_list[$seq_ptr]"); while(1) { @file_list[$seq_ptr] .= "|$post_date"; $sequence = @file_list[$seq_ptr]; $previous = substr($sequence,7,6); $previous_pointer = &GetPointer(*file_list, $previous); if (($previous eq "000000") || ($previous_pointer == -1)) { last; } $seq_ptr = $previous_pointer; } #End of while loop # $sequencepoint is now the top of the thread for the highest sequence # @seq_stack = ($seq_ptr); $cur_stack_size = 1; push(@threads, "$cur_stack_size|$sequence"); while(@file_list > 0) { $next_seq = substr($sequence,0,6); $next_ptr = &GetNextThread(*file_list, $next_seq, $seq_ptr); if ($next_ptr > -1) { $cur_stack_size++; push(@seq_stack, $next_ptr); $sequence = $file_list[$next_ptr]; $seq_ptr = $next_ptr; push(@threads, "$cur_stack_size|$sequence"); } else { @file_list = &RemoveElement(*file_list, $seq_ptr); $cur_stack_size--; pop(@seq_stack); if (@seq_stack > 0) { $seq_ptr = $seq_stack[@seq_stack - 1]; $sequence = $file_list[$seq_ptr]; } else { last; } } } # End of While Loop @threads; } # End of if seq_ptr > 0 else { # if there are no sequence numbers, return nothing for a thread (); } # End of IF Seq_ptr > 0 } # end of MakeThreadList ############################################################ # # subroutine: GetPointer # Usage: # &GetPointer(*file_list, $seq); # # Parameters: # *file_list = list of files # $seq = sequence number # # Output: # Returns a numerical pointer into the array of # files where the sequence number appears as the # message number. Remember, messages appear as # [MESSAGE NUMBER]-[REPLY TO NUMBER].MSG format. # where the message number and reply to number # are a fixed 6 digits. # ############################################################ sub GetPointer { local(*file_list, $seq) = @_; local($pointer,$x); $pointer = -1; for ($x = 0;$x < @file_list; $x++) { if (substr($file_list[$x],0,6) eq $seq) { $pointer = $x; last; } } $pointer; } # End of GetPointer ############################################################ # # subroutine: GetNextThread # Usage: # &GetNextThread(*file_list, $seq, $start); # # Parameters: # *file_list = list of message filenames # $seq = sequence/message # to search for # $start = pointer into array to start searching from # # Output: # Returns the pointer into the array of message # filenames where the next reply to the message # is. # ############################################################ sub GetNextThread { local(*file_list, $seq, $start) = @_; local($pointer, $x); $pointer = -1; for ($x = $start; $x < @file_list; $x++) { if (substr($file_list[$x],7,6) eq $seq) { $pointer = $x; last; } } $pointer; } # End of GetNextThread ############################################################ # # subroutine: RemoveElement # Usage: # &RemoveElement; # # Parameters: # *file_list = array of message numbers # $number = pointer into the array of the # element to remove # # Output: # *file_list without the $number element. # ############################################################ sub RemoveElement { local(*file_list, $number) = @_; if ($number > @file_list) { die "Number was higher than " . "number of elements in file list"; } splice(@file_list,$number,1); @file_list; } # End of RemoveElement ############################################################ # # subroutine: GetForumInfo # Usage: # &GetForumInfo($forum); # # Parameters: # $forum = abbreviated forum identifier # # Output: # Returns an array of the forum name and forum # directory. # ############################################################ sub GetForumInfo { local($forum) = @_; local($forum_name, $forum_dir, $x); local($forum_number); $forum_number = -1; for ($x = 1; $x <= @forum_variable; $x++) { if ($forum_variable[$x - 1] eq $forum) { $forum_number = $x - 1; last; } } # End of FOR forum_variables if ($forum_number > -1) { $forum_name = @forums[$forum_number]; $forum_dir = @forum_directories[$forum_number]; } else { $forum_name=""; $forum_dir = ""; if ($forum eq "") { $forum = "Forum nicht betreten"; } $error = "Forum '$forum' nicht gefunden!"; require "./bbs_html_error.pl"; die; } ($forum_name, $forum_dir); } # end of GetForumInfo ############################################################ # # subroutine: PruneOldMessages # Usage: # &PruneOldMessages($forum_dir, *files); # # Parameters: # $forum_dir = directory of forum # *files = filename list in forum # # Output: # Unlinks (deletes) messages and attachments in the # forum directory based on age or sequence number # of the post. # ############################################################ sub PruneOldMessages { local($forum_dir, *files) = @_; local($x); local($prunefile, $attachfile, $attachfile2); # # We prune on the basis of # # AGE IN DAYS: # $prune_how_many_days # # AGE BY SEQUENCE NUMBER # $prune_how_many_sequences # for ($x = @files; $x >= 1; $x--) { $prunefile = "$forum_dir/$files[$x - 1]"; # $attachfile is the descriptive attachment file in the # forum directory. $attachfile2 = is the real uploaded # attachment $attachfile = "$forum_dir/" . substr($files[$x - 1],0,14) . "attach"; $attachfile2 = "$attach_dir/" . "$forum-" . substr($files[$x - 1],0,14) . "bin"; # First we check the age in days if ((-M "$prunefile" > $prune_how_many_days) && ($prune_how_many_days > 0)) { unlink("$prunefile"); unlink($attachfile); unlink($attachfile2); &RemoveElement(*files, $x - 1); next; } # # Check the sequence and delete if it is too old # if (($x <= (@files - $prune_how_many_sequences)) && ($prune_how_many_sequences != 0)) { unlink("$prunefile"); unlink($attachfile); unlink($attachfile2); &RemoveElement(*files, $x - 1); next; } } # End of for all files } # End of PruneOldMessages ############################################################ # # subroutine: HiddenFields # Usage: # &HiddenFields; # # Parameters: # None. # # Output: # Returns a buffer containing the HTML code for # hidden fields that should be passed from screen to # screen in the BBS Forum. # ############################################################ sub HiddenFields { local ($buf); local ($h); $h = "\n!; if ($first_date ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=first_date VALUE="$first_date">\n!; } if ($last_date ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=last_date VALUE="$last_date">\n!; } if ($first_days_old ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=first_days_old VALUE="$first_days_old">\n!; } if ($last_days_old ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=last_days_old VALUE="$last_days_old">\n!; } if ($keywords ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=keywords VALUE="$keywords">\n!; } if ($exact_match ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=exact_match VALUE="$exact_match">\n!; } if ($use_last_read = "on") { $buf .= qq!$h=use_last_read VALUE="$use_last_read">\n!; } if ($last_read ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=last_read VALUE="$last_read">\n!; } if ($setup_file ne "") { $buf .= qq!$h=setup VALUE="$setup_file">\n!; } $buf; } # End of Hidden Fields ############################################################ # # subroutine: ReadMessageFields # Usage: # &ReadMessageFields; # # Parameters: # None. # # Output: # Returns a buffer containing the URL code for # fields that should be passed from screen to screen # in the BBS program # ############################################################ sub ReadMessageFields { local ($buf); local ($h); $buf = qq!session=$session&!; if ($first_date ne "") { $buf .= qq!first_date="$first_date"&!; } if ($last_date ne "") { $buf .= qq!last_date=$last_date&!; } if ($first_days_old ne "") { $buf .= qq!first_days_old=$first_days_old&!; } if ($last_days_old ne "") { $buf .= qq!$last_days_old=$last_days_old&!; } if ($keywords ne "") { $buf .= qq!keywords=$keywords&!; } if ($exact_match ne "") { $buf .= qq!exact_match=$exact_match&!; } if ($use_last_read = "on") { $buf .= qq!use_last_read=$use_last_read&!; } if ($last_read ne "") { $buf .= qq!last_read=$last_read&!; } if ($setup_file ne "") { $buf .= qq!setup=$setup_file&!; } # We need to filter out some illegal characters # from the URL. $buf =~ s/ /%20/; $buf =~ s/\//%2F/; chop($buf); # Get rid of last & $buf; } # End of ReadMessageFields